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What is Micro Learning ?

It is a fact that learning in small doses or in a step by step way makes learning more effective and rewarding. You might wonder What is Micro Learning? But in this article you will learn more about what learning in small steps means and what you will benefit from it. 


What is Micro Learning? 

Micro Learning is a way of teaching and delivering content to learners in bite-sized (3-5 minutes) bursts at the point of need, with a focused and specific learning outcome. Although the learner is in control of what and when they are learning. However they can complete their training at a time and place that suits their busy schedule.

Also, Think about how you consume content in your day-to-day life. Most likely, it’s via short bursts of information on your social media feed. Although it can also be update notifications on your mobile phone.

Micro learning content harnesses this behavior by replicating your existing habits, allowing you access to short bursts of information that are more engaging and easily digestible.

In simpler terms What is Micro Learning?

The concept of microlearning is based on the Hermann Ebbinghaus forgetting curve, which demonstrates that when people take in large amounts of information, retention of what was learned tends to degrade over time. In fact, people typically lose 80% of the knowledge they learn within a month.

In addition, Micro learning combats the forgetting curve by breaking information down into bite size chunks and allowing learners to revisit training over time, improving retention of key points and enabling them to incorporate this into their daily workflow.

The term was first used in a book “The Economics of Human Resources” by Hector Correa. Although it became popular in the mid 1990s. This idea which is simply learning in small doses has several importance and benefits on the education system.


What are some of  the importance and benefits of Micro Learning?


01. Flexible and Accessible:

Micro learning allows learners to develop and learn at their own pace and on their own schedule. This fits learning into a  busy schedule more conveniently. Content designing for microlearning is often for mobile devices, making learning accessible anytime and anywhere.

02. Efficient and Effective:

Micro learning is time-efficient and effective. It does not only help in terms of content delivery but also in its development and updating process. It allows for quicker responses to changing educational needs and reduces the stress of students.

03. Adaptive:

Micro learning is to reflect new information, trends, or feedback. It also ensures that the content remains relevant. This way it can easily adapt to the current trends or topics since it is usually easily accessible. However, microlearning adaptability challenges the traditional learning methods and meets the demands of today’s fast digital world.



Micro learning serves as a major component of learning. It creates a shift in the landscape of education and training, offering a solution that is effective with contemporary learning challenges. Its ability to provide flexible, and engaging learning experiences positions micro learning as a crucial tool in the modern education system.

In addition, it is clear that the potential of microlearning to transform learning and development is vast. It promises a future where education is more accessible and efficient for learners worldwide.

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